1. Funding and Eligibility Priorities
Funding priority is given to projects that address fisheries research needs specific to the recreational fishery or the aquatic ecosystem in Rainy Lake and Rainy River. Preference will be given to projects that directly involve an educational institution (MSc or PhD), and are relevant to the management needs of smallmouth bass, such as species ecology, fish community interactions, socio-economics of the recreational fishery or competitive fishing events. A list of potential research needs is provided in Appendix III (List of potential fisheries research needs specific to smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu)).
Funding will be made on a year-to-year basis, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. At any time during a research project, the Trust reserves the right to cancel the funding support of any project that in the Board of Trustees opinion no longer meets the obligation of its funding request.
2. Project Criteria
Projects eligible for funding will:
- Identify one or more clearly defined management problems or issues for Ontario, that the research partnership will attempt to address;
- have clear objectives and indicators of success;
- indicate how the research will be evaluated, with clearly defined and measurable environmental outcomes;
- identify other funding sources, including contributions from educational institution, MNR Fisheries research, other organizations, private sector or sport fishing industry;
- have a budget detailing costs and other contributions;
- have liability insurance for project activities, if sponsored through an educational institution or non-government organization;
- indicate the timing of work and final reporting arrangements;
- acknowledge contributions of the Trust in any published documents.
3. Interim and Final Report Criteria
The Rainy Lake Fisheries Charity Trust in based on measurable results. Interim and final reports are required to outline completion of each project and to ensure that proponents fulfill their stated research objectives. Interim reports should outline short-term and long-term accomplishments, and will serve as an opportunity to update changes in project partnerships or new sources of funding. It will also identify the remaining stages to completion, whether the project is on schedule, and any unforeseen challenges. A copy of any MSc or PhD thesis would meet the final reporting requirements.
4. Application Form and Process
Applications for funding would be reviewed by the Board of Trustees, when sufficient contributions to the Trust have been realized. A formal application and review process has been developed by the Board and will be provided to interested individuals or organizations (Appendix II). The Board will also determine the frequency and extent of funding contributions.